The Ethiopian Petroleum and Energy Authority has released its report on fuel transactions for the first six months of the current fiscal year, showing sales exceeded 163 billion Birr.
According to the data, a total of 163.7 billion Birr worth of fuel was sold nationwide between July 2023 and January 2024.
The bulk of fuel, 113 billion Birr, was sold with subsidies applied. However, 50.7 billion Birr worth was also sold without subsidies over this period.
Breaking this down further, 199,358 vehicles purchased subsidized fuel, while 900,497 vehicles purchased unsubsidized fuel.
Fuel subsidies have helped ease costs since targeted reforms in 2021 removed private vehicle subsidies except for public transport. By monitoring oil prices, this has reduced accumulated debt to the fuel stabilization fund to 117.5 billion Birr, easing pressure on the federal administration's budget.
Official figures show 28.3 billion Birr in subsidies have been provided to citizens and businesses since reform implementation began.